Thursday, February 25, 2016

December 8th 2015


Can you believe that it is getting so close to Christmas! Crazy! 

Okay so this week was really exciting sister Williams and i got 2 new investigators! Sweet huh? We found Kirsten while tracting. she is in her 20's she is really nice and very interested in religion she was raised as a Jehovah’s witness but realized that what they believed in she didn’t agree with so she has been searching for the "right" church! her first lesson went really well so i hope that she can come to realize that what we are teaching her is true. 

our next investigator is the dad of one of our members his name is Teddy. okay so picture in your mind a big, loud, black Baptist preacher- okay you just pictured Teddy haha he is so awesome! we met him at dinner one night at his daughters house and we started talking about religion he said that a lot of the stuff that his church is teaching he doesn’t agree with like that they have a paid ministry so we invited him to church and he said he would come if he wasn’t preaching that Sunday. we didn’t think he would come but he did and he just ate it all up! he was like "ya’ll got something going here" and we were like ya we do! ha he also came and gave us a big hug after sacrament meeting (not allowed) but he is so cool! I think he will continue to meet with us. haha oh also he was talking to someone about Mormons and they asked if there were any black Mormons and he said he didn’t think so... then he realized his daughter is a member... she is black. lol. 

also this week there was a holiday stroll in down town westerly it was so cute they lit up all the streets and there was free hot chocolate and cookies and Christmas music playing and everyone was walking around meeting new people and there were sleigh rides it was adorable! 

Sis Williams and i got to ride in the parkers Rolls Royce this week it was so cool everyone was staring and pointing. 
this week i got a letter from Mary and she wrote about how as a missionary Christmas time is very special because as a missionary you teach people about Christ and celebrate his birth every day and at Christmas time it just so happens everyone else is celebrating it with you it’s so true it is the message we bring everyday everywhere so thank you Mary for pointing that out to me! 

Also I was so shocked and sad to hear about Dillon’s accident I’m glad to hear he is okay and i am praying for his quick recovery! 

 Key principle: 

Okay so you may have noticed the title of my email this week it is the name of a video that i watched this week, this video really touched me and as i watched the Christmas devotional this past Sunday i noticed the theme of light. Anyway i wanted to invite all of you to go to and watch this video and as you go throughout this week look for Christ’s light and recognize it in your life.

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